Thursday, March 19, 2009

A New Baby Brother

Today is gon a be a busy day. Katelynn is still sick.But the best news is drum roll pleas, im geting a BABY BROTHR.Iwould tell you its name but we don't know it. All know is that we'll get him at 2 o'clock and he is 2 months old.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today Im roller skating for my friends bithday party.Katelynn got sick but Im still going.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shopping at Kohls

Today I went to KOHLS with my grandma and Hilda.I got a dress ,and a top with pants.I had so mach fun.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Blizzerds and friends

Today I went to news paper class.And it was fun.After ,I went to DAIRY QUEEN.I got an m&m blizzerd.Me and my friend Brooke shaired frensh fries. It was fun.